Monday 13 October 2008

Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)

Gisele Kerozene and Telling lies

The story line of Gisele Kerozene work is really straight forward compared to Telling Lies work. The Telling Lies work express a Story line about the day before what happen that time and the main point that the author was trying to express was how people would Lies to get away from trouble. The concept behind the work of Gisele Kerozene was more craft in every way as she was using stop motion technique to make the audience believe that the main character was flying. The Telling Lies work also was craft but has more concepts to it, as the person was lying the visual part of the video was showing what was the truth. Both story of these story have a traditional narrative to them. The begining of the Gisele Kerozene work was with these people dicussing something about a race but in the other way Telling Lies begining and end was to do only with a blank black screen with word on it.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

You need to explain the effect that a traditional or non traditional narrative has on the way we, the audience take meaning from it.