Friday 10 October 2008

The use of technology and techniques and styles (100 Words)

Doll Face and Girl Chewing Gum

Doll Face was created by Andy Huang in 2005. By watch this Experimental Video call doll I realize how the media have an influence on people around the world. The technique that Andy Huang used was really recent and unique. By using CGI he made his work more advance in every way. Compare to Doll Face Girls Chewing Gum has this fact that it was less craft than Doll Face as it was made in 1976 at that there were no CGI Technology. The Girls Chewing Gum at that time was modern and new to audiences. Both of these video are expressing the same meaning which is that the media is controlling the world. In the Girl chewing Gum the narrator was trying to make the audience believe he was telling everyone what to do and in Doll Face the actually Doll was Copying what was On the TV. The techniques that Doll Face used was computer generate which give the production of the unique quality.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Remember you need to view these in the context of the time they were created. Koyaanisqatsi was modern at the time it was created? Try and tie these together and discuss them under the same headings i.e. Effects, Styles or production costs?