Monday 20 October 2008

The Girl Chewing Gum, Doll Face, Review

The Girl Chewing Gum

The girl chewing gum as it has been made in1976. The girl chewing gum has lots of narration. The girl chewing gum had that style of black and white which reflect the history of film when did it begin. Also the girl chewing gum (1976) illustrate in the film with non-diagetic sound even so you could tell where the sound was coming from. The black and white work of John Smith demonstrates lots of camera movement and lots of object in the frame. As a result John smith shows how the media can controls people’s life.
Doll Face
Doll Face was created by Andy Huang in 2005. By watch this Experimental Video call doll I realize how the media have an influence on people around the world. The technique that Andy Huang used was really recent and unique by using CGI. This shows how people follow the media without knowing it. How people are addicted to follow evolution and keep up to date with the latest look. By trying so hard to copy the TV the CGI animation as everyone would say die.

Name: John Perrine
Date: 17/10/2008
Film content review sheet

Name of film: Gisele Kerozene (1989)

Name of creator or films artist Jan Kounen

Duration 5 min

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)
The content of this experimental video had more too it because it was made in stop motion animation. The concept behind the work of Gisele Kerozene was more craft in every way as she was using stop motion technique to make the audience believe that the main character was flying. From the very beginning every shot is masterfully crafted. >Without a doubt this short is one of the ultimate works of >frame-by-frame animation. Not only is it shown beautifully, but >it is the result of a wildly creative imagination.
Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)It has this weird audio sound effect, which went well with the video

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