Friday 17 October 2008

Audience and audience interpretation of the work (200 Words)

The reaction within the group was completely different from each other and this reaction does matter as it shows how people react to things in their own way. After watching Koyaanisqatsi many found it really strange and confusing. The interpretations of the audiences were all different: Many of the audiences who watch the koyaanisqatsi found it really artistic and the other found it really hard to appreciate. The Gisèle Kérozène work everyone thought it was really weird, many of the student thought it was good because of its craft and the way the director made it. The others thought that it was too much information to take. It is important that the audiences have more than one interpretation when watching videos it can be good or bad but without an interpretation the audience wouldn’t have an interest in the actual work. As a matter of fact as whether the audiences likes the work of the artist or not it’s down to their individual taste and preferences. As experimental videos don’t have target audiences really its normal that everyone has their own opinion on the matter. Each has their likeness and unlikeness about each film which shows the complex of targeting the right audiences when doing films. The relationship between the audiences with the author is to do with whether the age groups or YouTube Gerneration are the same age or not with the author or how Sophisticated the Video is.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Check for sentence errors, Can you explain the relationship the artist has with the audience?