Sunday 28 September 2008

Koyaanisqatsi, Telling Lies -Simon Elli


Life out of Balance
Director: Godfrey Reggio
Year: 1983

I think this film has many meaning to different people to me i think it represent where life begin and still going on. At the beginning of the film we saw empty places with vegetation all over the place then a cave with writing on the wall. Also showing the sun reflecting on the mountain to create shadows that to me represent darkness which was about to begin.
Showing desert place no water and no life around. Then in the middle of the film it show life people walking fast, city and how it can be over crowed. It shows how the city can be organize some time. At some point in the film shadows of clouds in the sky reflect on the building in the city. For a moment in the film no sound only shot of scene i found it very calm. The film show also a part of the city which was more affected bye these destruction. Now we seeing fastest shot of the film of people talking, eating, driving, spending, working and producing products. Now everything has slow down but destruction of the plant still going
on. Back to the Caveman as it is the circle of life going on.

Telling Lies -Simon Elli

The telling Lies made its focus on sound as it an audio experimental video. The visual wasn’t that good but the subject of the conversation was intense. The express of craft was visible which express what the characters truly mean. The video itself contain a strong concept on it own. Simon Elli has base his experimental video more on audio than visual. He use colour on the text to make more visible. By telling the true in the form of writing in the video he manages to keep his audiences focus. The Telling Lies work express a Story line about the day before what happen that time and the main point that the author was trying to express was how people would Lies to get away from trouble.

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