Monday 29 September 2008

Comparison Of Experimental Videos

I chosen Ludisa Work and the Telling Lies work to be compare


Year 2007

2.Simon Eliss

Well think Ludias work was a well good piece and has a positive view. Compare to the telling lies work Ludias work is more diegetic has you could see where the sound was coming from. Ludias work had no story line as well has the telling lies work(Simon Eliss). I would compare it base also on the audio as the telling lies work was base on the day before. The Ludias work was at the present time the sound was recorded live and wasn't talking or base on anything. The concept of the Work of Ludias was that you can create music without any instrumental
equipment. The concept of the telling lies work is different for the work of Ludias as it was base on people telling lies to each other on the phone. In the telling lies work you could not see where the sound and voice are coming from. I would personally say the telling lies work is more craft than conception as their were only written words on the video it was base audio type.

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