Monday 29 September 2008

Comparison Of Experimental Videos

I chosen Ludisa Work and the Telling Lies work to be compare


Year 2007

2.Simon Eliss

Well think Ludias work was a well good piece and has a positive view. Compare to the telling lies work Ludias work is more diegetic has you could see where the sound was coming from. Ludias work had no story line as well has the telling lies work(Simon Eliss). I would compare it base also on the audio as the telling lies work was base on the day before. The Ludias work was at the present time the sound was recorded live and wasn't talking or base on anything. The concept of the Work of Ludias was that you can create music without any instrumental
equipment. The concept of the telling lies work is different for the work of Ludias as it was base on people telling lies to each other on the phone. In the telling lies work you could not see where the sound and voice are coming from. I would personally say the telling lies work is more craft than conception as their were only written words on the video it was base audio type.

What Does Craft Mean?

Craft mean usually something you made with your hand but in this context it still mean that but with a bit more visual and it doesn't mean it can't be audio. The definition is something you made with you hand which can have a conception or not

What Does Conception?

Conception mean what is the reason behind it. Let say you watch a film then you want to know the meaning and what is the reason behind. You would want to know what the author was thinking while doing it.

Sunday 28 September 2008

1001 Nights

1001 Nights

Jananne Al-Ani

Black background it is strange to me it maybe be the only one of its kind. It began with that first woman was talking about one day night time. she wake up an hear the sound of guns and bome. She realize that she was alone with her four children in her house, her husband wasn't there. She wakes her children up and get the to the car safely then realize that she can't drive. Then each of the other women start to explain their experience in war as mums, wife and women. One of these women while explain what happen to her in war were agitating around i think it does bother her to explain about war.

Koyaanisqatsi, Telling Lies -Simon Elli


Life out of Balance
Director: Godfrey Reggio
Year: 1983

I think this film has many meaning to different people to me i think it represent where life begin and still going on. At the beginning of the film we saw empty places with vegetation all over the place then a cave with writing on the wall. Also showing the sun reflecting on the mountain to create shadows that to me represent darkness which was about to begin.
Showing desert place no water and no life around. Then in the middle of the film it show life people walking fast, city and how it can be over crowed. It shows how the city can be organize some time. At some point in the film shadows of clouds in the sky reflect on the building in the city. For a moment in the film no sound only shot of scene i found it very calm. The film show also a part of the city which was more affected bye these destruction. Now we seeing fastest shot of the film of people talking, eating, driving, spending, working and producing products. Now everything has slow down but destruction of the plant still going
on. Back to the Caveman as it is the circle of life going on.

Telling Lies -Simon Elli

The telling Lies made its focus on sound as it an audio experimental video. The visual wasn’t that good but the subject of the conversation was intense. The express of craft was visible which express what the characters truly mean. The video itself contain a strong concept on it own. Simon Elli has base his experimental video more on audio than visual. He use colour on the text to make more visible. By telling the true in the form of writing in the video he manages to keep his audiences focus. The Telling Lies work express a Story line about the day before what happen that time and the main point that the author was trying to express was how people would Lies to get away from trouble.

Monday 22 September 2008

Definition of experimental Video

Experimental video, video art, electronic art, alternative TV, community video, guerrilla television, computer art: these are a few of the labels that have been applied to a body of work that began to emerge in the United States in the l960s. Arguably, the most important of these labels is "experimental." The dominant goal of this video movement over the past 30 years has been change, achieved through the strategy of experimentation. The consistent target for this change has been television--commercially supported, network broadcast, mainstream television--whose success with mass audiences was the result of the repetition of proven formulas rather than aesthetic, ideological or industrial innovation or experimentation. It is perhaps commercial television's ability to interpret the uncertain world within the context of familiar conventions that makes it an essential part of everyday life in America. And it is this body of familiar interpretations that became the challenge of experimental video artists.

What I would Expect to do for experimental Media

I would Expect to create Lots of different shot of anything really that my audiences would find it new and experience an unusual view about it. Also I would expect to observe other work of other people.

What Does Experimental Media Mean

Well from my knowledge of video and photograph, I guess experimental media mean doing something unusual with the footage. Also by doing this experimental Media (video) you would decide if you want to give it a meaning and it is similar to the expression call decisive moment which is sometime letting the finish product in your shotand come to you. Some time you would want to put different angle of shot to make it look dramatic. Also using a mix pictures, videos and audio sound effect can help to make it look very experiment.